Environment Licensing and Studies
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Environmental licensing is an administrative instrument by which control over human activities is exercised so that there can be harmony between economic development and natural resources, so that the sustainability of the environment in its physical, socio-cultural and economic aspects is guaranteed .
It is a legal requirement for any type of enterprise or activities that make use of natural resources or may cause some type of pollution or degradation to the environment.
To obtain licensing, Soluziona relies on a multidisciplinary team that works together so that this process is agile and effective, in accordance with environmental standards and that are able to prevent and control the possible environmental impacts of the installation and operation of the enterprise for the which the license is being requested.
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The Environmental Impact Study (EIA) is a multidisciplinary technical document instituted by the Resolution of the National Environment Council – CONAMA No. 01/86 and aims to qualify and, when possible, quantify the environmental impact in advance, working as a support for a adequate planning of works or activities that may interfere with the environment. When verifying these possible impacts, measures to avoid or minimize the damage that may be caused are evaluated. The study is of restricted access, respecting industrial secrecy and will be structured in environmental diagnosis of the physical, biological and natural ecosystems and socioeconomic; analysis of environmental impacts and their possible alternatives; definition of measures to mitigate negative impacts; elaboration of the follow-up and monitoring program.
The Environmental Impact Report (RIMA) is a summary in which the conclusions of the Environmental Impact Study will be presented, in didactic, clear and objective language, so that any interested party has access to information and exercises social control.
Who needs an EIA / RIMA?
EIA / RIMA is required in the Preliminary License phase and according to art. 2 of CONAMA Resolution 01/86 must be carried out by the environmental modification activities listed below:
- I – Highways with two or more lanes;
- II – Railways;
- III – Ports and terminals for ore, oil and chemicals;
- IV – Airports, as defined by item 1, article 48, of Decree-Law no. 32, of 11.18.66;
- V – Pipelines, gas pipelines, pipelines, collecting trunks and sewage sewage outlets;
- VI – Electricity transmission lines, above 230KV;
- VII – Hydraulic works for the exploitation of water resources, such as: dam for hydroelectric purposes, above 10MW, for sanitation or irrigation, opening of channels for navigation, drainage and irrigation, rectification of water courses, opening of bars and inlets , transposition of basins, dikes;
- VIII – Extraction of fossil fuel (oil, shale, coal);
- IX – Extraction of ore, including those of class II, defined in the Mining Code;
- X – Landfills, processing and final destination of toxic or hazardous waste;
- Xl – Electricity generation plants, whatever the primary energy source, above 10MW;
- XII – Complex and industrial and agro-industrial units (petrochemicals, steel mills, chlorine chemicals, alcohol distilleries, coal, extraction and cultivation of water resources);
- XIII – Industrial districts and strictly industrial zones – ZEI;
- XIV – Economic exploitation of wood or firewood, in areas above 100 hectares or less, when it reaches significant areas in percentage terms or of importance from the environmental point of view;
- XV – Urban projects, over 100 ha or in areas considered to be of relevant environmental interest at the discretion of SEMA and the competent municipal and state bodies;
- XVI- Any activity that uses charcoal, derivatives or similar products, in an amount greater than ten tons per day;
- XVII – Agricultural Projects that include areas above 1,000 ha or smaller, in this case, when dealing with significant areas in percentage terms or of importance from the environmental point of view, including in the areas of environmental protection.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions.
The Simplified Environmental Report is a document required in the Preliminary License phase for small enterprises. It aims to analyze the environmental feasibility, the location, installation and operation of a project.
Who needs an RAS?
The RAS is necessary in cases of small enterprises or activities that are considered potentially polluting or degrading to the environment.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions.
The Basic Environmental Plan is a document that outlines all mitigating and compensatory actions to be taken by the entrepreneur in order to mitigate the environmental impacts identified in the EIA / RIMA. It will present the management programs for socioenvironmental issues proposed in the environmental studies carried out in the previous license phase in a specific way so that they can allow concrete actions in the installation and operation phases of the projects. It is a condition for the issuance of a project installation license.
Who needs a PBA?
Enterprises or activities that cause a high and significant potential for environmental impact or degradation of the environment – which were subject to EIA / RIMA in the Preliminary License phase – will be charged by PBA in the Installation License phase.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions.
The Environmental Control Report – RCA, originally provided for CONAMA Resolution Nº. 010/90, is a technical document used for situations in which the presentation of the EIA / RIMA is waived.
The Environmental Control Plan – PCA, on the other hand, is a technical document usually used to present the executive projects to minimize the environmental impacts evaluated in the previous phase of the environmental licensing of the enterprise.
Who needs an RCA AND PCA?
It is customary to require the RCA and the PCA of undertakings or activities that are potentially polluting or that degrade the environment, such as: industries, water and sewage treatment systems, commercialization of waste, mineral extraction, small and medium-sized companies, among others potentially polluting activities.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions.
The Preliminary Environmental Report – RAP is an environmental study, prepared by a multidisciplinary team in order to assess the environmental feasibility of an activity or enterprise that is potentially or effectively causing environmental degradation. It includes a qualitative analysis of the physical, biotic and socioeconomic environment and makes an assessment of the impacts arising from the enterprise, with the proposal of mitigating actions and environmental
Who needs a RAP?
This document must be presented in the Preliminary License phase in the case of activities or undertakings potentially causing environmental degradation or pollution and will serve as a basis for the requirement of EIA / RIMA.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions.
The Flora Inventory consists of a detailed survey of all species, as well as identifying and quantifying the volume of wood in the area, with the exact measurements and densities of each individual based on height and diameter.
The Flora Survey, on the other hand, consists of a technical study that aims to identify the species of flora present in a given area, characterizing and evaluating the state of conservation of vegetation.
The data from these studies provide an important diagnosis for assessing the impact on flora and the biotic environment, in addition to supporting requests for authorization to remove vegetation.
They are considered instruments of great importance in the conservation of biodiversity.
Who needs a Flora Inventory or Survey?
It must be carried out whenever there is vegetation in the area, as well as in cases of possible impact, the vegetation located in the area of direct influence of the place where the activity or enterprise will be located.
Our differential
We have a specialized team with great experience for the elaboration of inventories or surveys of flora, which carry out quality work and with precision so that the results can guide the taking of important decisions in the elaboration and execution of the projects.
The fauna inventory or survey consists of a technical study that aims to identify the diversity of animal species occurring in a certain area and a certain period. In addition to characterizing and assessing the conservation status of biodiversity and ecological interactions that support the species.
The studies may include fish (ichthyofauna), amphibians and reptiles (herpetofauna), large and medium-sized mammals (mastofauna) and birds (avifauna).
Who needs a Fauna Inventory or Survey?
An inventory or survey of fauna is part of an environmental study, becoming an instrument for assessing impacts on the biotic environment and other possible resulting impacts.
Our differential
We have trained professionals with great experience in carrying out fauna inventories, always striving to care for the environment.
nvironmental Programs are a series of mitigating measures for environmental impacts that must be carried out periodically during the periods of installation, expansion and operation of projects and activities. They need to be well defined, presenting their scope, deadlines, goals, those responsible, in addition to an execution schedule. They may be part of the Basic Environmental Plan – PBA or may be required separately.
Who needs an Environmental Program?
The Environmental Program can be part of a Basic Environmental Plan – PBA in cases in which the EIA / RIMA was carried out and which are considered to have a high polluting potential or in cases where other environmental studies were carried out but which still need specific programs to mitigate impacts. The Programs are defined and required by the body responsible for the Licenses issued.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary team trained in environmental assessment, taking into account the variables of each project so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all licensing conditions, from its preparation, implementation to its execution.
Environmental Monitoring acts as an extremely important instrument to certify the efficiency of the environmental control measures presented in the Programs required in the licenses by the responsible agencies. With monitoring it is possible to prevent damage and correct possible non-conformities.
Monitoring is carried out by specialized technical teams that go to the field periodically and record the measures adopted, as well as assess and report the need for any corrections. In addition, Soluziona is a pioneer in the use of the latest technology in Vant to carry out and assist environmental and electrical systems monitoring.
In some cases, such as water quality monitoring, collections and samples are required, which are sent to a specialized third-party laboratory that performs the necessary analyzes.
Our differential
We have a trained multidisciplinary team with extensive experience to carry out environmental monitoring, also with the help of Monitoring with the highest technology in Vant and taking into account the variables of each enterprise so that we can identify the best solutions for satisfactory service to all conditions of Licensing.
We operate in the management of the construction site in the project design, installation and operation phases, ensuring that the environmental impacts resulting from the activities can be controlled and minimized since the project’s conception, so that the conditions defined in the licensing process are all fulfilled correctly and in accordance with the law.
Our differential
We have a trained technical team with extensive experience to carry out the environmental management of works and projects.
The Plan for the Recovery of Degraded Areas – PRAD refers to a set of procedures to be carried out in order to repair the degraded area to reestablish the original function of the ecosystem and restore balance in areas that have suffered degradation.
Is in this document that information, diagnoses, surveys and studies will be presented and make it possible to assess the changes or degradations that have occurred, in addition to defining the appropriate actions for the recovery of the area. The recovery methods should be defined according to the characteristics of the site and knowledge of the impact caused, taking into account its peculiarities and aiming to protect the area from possible factors that could harm the restoration of environmental quality.
Our differential
We have a specialized technical team with extensive experience in the preparation of Degraded Area Recovery Plans – PRAD, as well as trained for their execution.
The Environmental Plan for Conservation and Use of the Surroundings of the Artificial Reservoir (PACUERA) is a guiding environmental planning tool, within the environmental licensing process, for the zoning and occupation of the soil around the reservoir. It aims to guide the disciplined use of the reservoir in accordance with the legislation and operating standards of the enterprise and with the existing fragility studies and environmental plans, aiming at the environmental conservation of water resources. It should be carried out in such a way that human activities do not affect environmental protection, covering the physical, biotic and socioeconomic environment.
Our differential
We have a specialized multidisciplinary technical team with extensive experience in the preparation and execution of the Environmental Plan for the Use and Conservation of the Surroundings of Artificial Reservoirs – PACUERA, so that we can efficiently and harmoniously integrate all the environment, physical, biotic and socioeconomic.
According to Law Nº. 9.795 of 1999, it is up to companies, class entities, public and private institutions to promote environmental education programs for their workers, aiming at controlling and improving the work environment and the production processes that impact the environment.
In the context of environmental licensing, the role of this program aims to mitigate impacts arising from the enterprise.
Environmental Education is based on processes through which the individual and the community build social values, knowledge, skills, attitudes and competences aimed at the conservation of the environment, quality of life and sustainability.
Our differential
We have a specialized multidisciplinary technical team with extensive experience in the elaboration and execution of the Environmental Education Program, so that we can transmit knowledge about the environment and sustainability in an objective and dynamic way to the target audience.
The Solid Waste Management Plan (PGRS) is an instrument to prove a company’s ability to manage all the waste that it eventually generates. Its purpose is to minimize the generation of waste, provide a safe and correct route for the waste generated and protect workers, public health, natural resources and the environment.
All enterprises that generate waste and may cause damage to the environment or public health, regardless of their size or industry, must have a PGRS.
Our differential
We have a specialized technical team with extensive experience in preparing a Solid Waste Management Plan – PGRS, so that environmental, social and legal impacts are minimized.
The Federal Technical Register of Potentially Polluting Activities and/or Users of Environmental Resources (CTF/APP) is a mandatory register of individuals and legal entities that carry out activities with potential polluting done with IBAMA – Brazilian Institute of the Environment.
Together with CTF, the enterprises must present the Report of Potentially Polluting Activities and Users of Environmental Resources (RAPP). This report is a tool for collecting information of environmental interest in order to contribute to environmental control and inspection, in addition to subsidizing environmental management actions.
Our differential
We have a technical team familiar with IBAMA’s digital platform, as well as filling out the specific forms of RAPP for each potentially polluting activity with the specific data requested in each form.
Water granting is the legal instrument that guarantees the user the right to use water resources. Through the granting process, the quantitative and qualitative control of the use of water is guaranteed, allowing an adequate and controlled distribution of this resource to society. The granting modalities are: Underground that include artesian wells and cisterns and Superficial grant that includes spring , rivers, streams and dams.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary technical team with experience in carrying out this service, to take care of all the legal procedures of the Water Granting process.
This study seeks to clarify the possible consequences of implementing a project that will positively or negatively interfere with the community located in its surroundings. In addition to determining the most appropriate actions to minimize human damage and make the most of the benefits arising from the enterprise.
Our differential
We have a multidisciplinary technical team with experience in carrying out this study, so that it is possible to understand in depth the dynamics of the affected population, in addition to presenting measures to minimize the possible negative impacts that this group of people may suffer.
Contact us for more information.